Pitanje 1:

Student: I see. But what's the difference ....... in and into?

Pitanje 2:

I'm tired of waiting for buses, I'm going there ....... foot.

Pitanje 3:

I love swimming ....... the summer months I usually swim at outdoor pool as much as I can and sometimes we go the lake.

Pitanje 4:

We hope there won't be much snow ....... this year but you never know.

Pitanje 5:

Pizza Hut has over 12,000 restaurants ....... the world.

Pitanje 6:

I was brought _______ in the countryside by my aunt after my parents had pass _______.

Pitanje 7:

His father told him he was special as he dandled him ....... his knee.

Pitanje 8:

....... seconds he rushed out of the pub leaving his coat behind, ran into the pouring rain with no umbrella.

Pitanje 9:

The problems I have ....... the language are to do with spelling.

Pitanje 10:

I don't have any plans ....... Thanksgiving Day because my entire family lives overseas.

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