Internet skracenice

U internet svijetu sve se više susrećemo sa tzv. internet skraćenicama (Internet Abbreviations) koje su postale sastavni dio našeg internet razgovora. Ako ste se ikada upitali šta jedna od njih znači, ovdje imate listu najpoznatijih skraćenica:



BRB â€“ be right back
BIO â€“ going for bio break (washroom break)
AFK â€“ away from keyboard (I am gone for a few minutes)
BTW â€“ by the way
KK ili K â€“ OK

TTYL â€“ talk to you later

OMG â€“ Oh my God

U internet svijetu sve se više susrećemo sa tzv. internet skraćenicama (Internet Abbreviations) koje su postale sastavni dio našeg internet razgovora. Ako ste se ikada upitali šta jedna od njih znači, ovdje imate listu najpoznatijih skraćenica:

BRB â€“ be right back
BIO â€“ going for bio break (washroom break)
AFK â€“ away from keyboard (I am gone for a few minutes)
BTW â€“ by the way
KK ili K â€“ OK

TTYL â€“ talk to you later
OMG â€“ Oh my God
BFN â€“ bye for now
TTFN â€“ ta-ta for now
CYA â€“ see ya
CUL8R â€“ see you later
IBTL â€“ in before the lock 
IMHO â€“ in my humble opinion
IMNSHO â€“ in my not so humble opinion
FMV â€“ fair market value (for selling items online)
LOL â€“ laughing out loud
MT â€“ mistell 
NWT â€“ new with tags (for selling items online)
NWOT â€“ new without tags (for selling items online)
OOAK â€“ one of a kind (for selling items online)
PMSL - P*ssing myself laughing (a common UK expression) 
QFT â€“ quoted for truth (a compliment to another person on the forum)
ROFL â€“ rolling on floor laughing
ROFLMAO â€“ rolling on floor laughing my a*s off
RTM â€“ read the manual
RTFM â€“ read the f***ing manual (to show frustration at someone's ignorance of basic knowledge)
GG â€“ good game
THX - thanks
TX - thanks
TY - thank you
NP - no problem/you're welcome
PLZ - please
W/E - whatever
ASL â€“ age / sex / location? 
RL â€“ real life 
IRL â€“ in real life
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion 
TTYL - Talk To You Later 
PMSL - P*ssing myself laughing (a common UK expression) 
RTFM - Read The F------ Manual 
ROFLMAO - Roll On Floor Laughing My A** Off 
ITSFWI - If The Shoe Fits, Wear It!
WIBAMU - Well, I'll be a Monkey's Uncle! 
POSSLQ - Person of Opposite Sex, Sharing Living Quarters

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