Pitanje 1:

My opinion is that they don't know what to do and are merely playing ....... time.

Pitanje 2:

The railways system is very efficient as the trains always arrive ....... time.

Pitanje 3:

The rocket was fired and quickly took off sky........

Pitanje 4:

Felix Baumgartner recently basejumped out of a plane 9,000 metres ....... Dover, a port on the south coast of England.

Pitanje 5:

....... the election campaign Henry's wife and his two teenage daughters worked night and day for him

Pitanje 6:

He finds himself in a very difficult situation since you could say he's ....... a rock and a hard place.

Pitanje 7:

The parcel eventually arrived six weeks later, and not ....... time!

Pitanje 8:

All the reporters of the war were issued ....... bulletproof jackets to give them better protection.

Pitanje 9:

I wish we could stick to the subject and just consider the topic ....... issue.

Pitanje 10:

You should always check the sell ....... date of things you buy in the supermarket.

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