Pitanje 1:

Alice: I think his first name is Michael but I can't remember the ........

Pitanje 2:

Charles: It's very good the way he sits at the table and eats his ....... with a knife and fork.

Pitanje 3:

Anna is ........

Pitanje 4:

As far as I was concerned when the accident happened, it was the ....... of the end.

Pitanje 5:

Linda: I don't like the ....... of that dark cloud over there.

Pitanje 6:

Who won the soccer .......?

Pitanje 7:

My old ....... is looking very shaggy. I think it's about time to buy a new one.

Pitanje 8:

Mary: Yes, Michael Dobson he was in that new ....... as the detective.

Pitanje 9:

There was a long row of ....... near the beach.

Pitanje 10:

There are many ....... of jobs in Oregon right now.

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