Pitanje 1:

Can anyone give me ....... please because I have just fallen over?

Pitanje 2:

Waiter: You'll have no luck there either. We haven't got any ........

Pitanje 3:

But not in ......., eh?

Pitanje 4:

His mother was late because she ....... the beds before she left the house.

Pitanje 5:

The trouble is that there are some very ....... rain clouds over the north.

Pitanje 6:

John: 'I must say you really helped us out when we lost those passports.' Sue: '.......

Pitanje 7:

Mike: 'I need some support, right now.' Jane: '.......'

Pitanje 8:

John: 'We'd like to give you this small present to show our gratitude.' Sue: '.......'

Pitanje 9:

He was so proud of his car yesterday because during the race it ....... 260 km/hr.

Pitanje 10:

I feel a bit too tired. Please, leave me …………………………….

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