Pitanje 1:

Well, I think if you don't ......., I'll turn in now.

Pitanje 2:

You can tell she has hit the ....... time because of the huge car she drives.

Pitanje 3:

If I were you I would certainly accept the offer. If you ask for any more you're just ....... your luck.

Pitanje 4:

They were so angry with me they practically bit my ....... off.

Pitanje 5:

This is going to be a difficult task but we'll get there in the end although it is a ....... nut to crack.

Pitanje 6:

Now that the company has made its first million, there's no stopping it and it's full ....... ahead.

Pitanje 7:

His invention showed that he understood what was going to happen in the future and proved he was ....... of his time.

Pitanje 8:

Time ......., it's difficult to believe that we've been here all day.

Pitanje 9:

You'll have to be quick off the ....... if you want to buy one of those houses because they're selling very fast.

Pitanje 10:

Any arguments he put up in his defence were regarded as a ....... by people who were determined to see him convicted.

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