Pitanje 1:

International restaurants in Singapore are ....... adept at simultaneously perfecting both eastern and western dishes on their menues

Pitanje 2:

Putting it ....... I should be delighted if you would agree to be my best man at our wedding.

Pitanje 3:

....... we talk of the need for a child to start on his journey to slumber land or the land of nod

Pitanje 4:

More ....... than not as a guest we'll say:

Pitanje 5:

America is ....... at the front of the race to become the world's most obese country.

Pitanje 6:

If you manage to do all these things, it won't be long before you find yourself speaking the language ........

Pitanje 7:

In ....... to prevent any industrial espionage all employees had to sign a document preventing them from talking about their work.

Pitanje 8:

And ....... very important people are not described as simply going to bed but rather retiring for the night.

Pitanje 9:

This was of course very embarrassing for the P.M. and ....... of the speech he told funny stories.

Pitanje 10:

On the day we travelled most people had decided to stay at home as the train was ....... empty.

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