Pitanje 1:

There was absolutely no question about it he was the ....... idiot such as you'd find in one of those old farces.

Pitanje 2:

You must react now and not just be ....... as if there is nothing wrong.

Pitanje 3:

Teaching someone to drive is one of the ....... experiences you can have.

Pitanje 4:

In view of the falling standards the company decided to appoint a very ....... office manager who would be able to crack the whip a bit.

Pitanje 5:

Headlines appeared maintaining that Mathew was a dishonest ....... thief.

Pitanje 6:

As I was a stranger in that country I was not ....... with some of their customs and didn't understand why people were laughing at me.

Pitanje 7:

There was no changing her mind as she was quite ....... about her decision and wouldn't consider any alternative.

Pitanje 8:

He left the surgery feeling a lot better than when he arrived because the doctor had reassured him that his condition was not ........

Pitanje 9:

His attempt to make fun of the situation was considered to be in bad taste and ....... in the extreme.

Pitanje 10:

The sandman is coming is what we say to ....... children

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