Pitanje 1:

Samantha was late for the basketball ........

Pitanje 2:

The mayor has allowed vendors to ....... to their old place after many of them complained of lesser income following the implementation of the night market last week.

Pitanje 3:

The architect ....... some blueprints for you last week.

Pitanje 4:

He didn't ....... to new concepts easily.

Pitanje 5:

As the planet gets nearer to the Sun, enormous dust storms can be whipped ........

Pitanje 6:

Kevin ....... all of the information and then gave the note to his wife so she could put it into a computer file.

Pitanje 7:

The M4 dissects the Downs and the rest of the county from east to west. The noise affects a wide area either side of the motorway and can ....... real estate prices.

Pitanje 8:

Right. What's this? Oh no, you're ....... me out of the firm.

Pitanje 9:

She rather turned ....... me after that.

Pitanje 10:

If you ....... the numbers, it will be easier to calculate the estimate.

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